Professional Introduction

发布时间:2024-06-28 发布者: 浏览次数:

Materials Physics

Introduction: Materials Physics was founded in 2001, based on the idea of building a first-class science department and serving a first-class engineering department, it aims to cultivate high-quality and applied talents for the industries of iron and steel, automobile, shipbuilding, photoelectricity and new energy. The program was selected as "Strategic Emerging (Pillar) Industry Talent Cultivation Program" of Hubei Province in 2014, and selected as a national first-class undergraduate program construction point in 2020, with a second-level doctoral degree in Magnetic Physics and Materials and a first-level master's degree in Physics. In the 2023 Alumni Association of Chinese Universities Ranking of Materials Physics Majors (Research), the Materials Physics major is ranked 11th in China, obtaining the four-star research majors in China, and is ranked among the high-level majors in China.

Cultivation Objective: Based on the new materials, new energy and other "strategic" emerging (pillar) industries, the program aims to cultivate the students with all-round development in morality, intellect, physique, aesthetics and labor, and with the knowledge of natural sciences, professional theories and engineering technologies required by the materials physics major, good professional ethics, international vision, humanistic qualities and sense of social responsibility, and be able to work in the fields of materials science and engineering, physics and related fields. Materials Science and Engineering, Physics and related fields to engage in teaching, research, technology and product development as well as production and business management of high-quality applied talents.

Main Courses: Basic Physics, Mathematical Physics Methods, Quantum Mechanics, Solid State Physics, Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics, Fundamentals of Materials Science, Physical Properties of Materials, Metallic Materials and Heat Treatment, and Materials Research Methods.

Employment and Further Study Prospects: The employment rate of graduates of this program is over 96%. According to the mid-term evaluation report on the cultivation quality of graduates of Wuhan University of Science and Technology by Maxi-Wuhan University of Science and Technology, employers have fully affirmed the political and ideological performance and working ability of the graduates of this major, and the overall evaluation of the society is good, the graduates have strong working ability, reasonable knowledge structure, meet the requirements of enterprise culture, and at the same time, have a high comprehensive quality. Employers' satisfaction with the graduates is more than 98%, and the willingness to continue to recruit graduates of this program is 100% for three consecutive years.

Engineering Mechanics

Introduction to the major: the enrollment began in 2002, belonging to the first-level discipline of mechanics, which is a science and technology major with strong intersectionality and close integration of theory and practice. This major was selected as the first-class undergraduate major construction site in Hubei Province in 2021, with existing master's degree in the first discipline of mechanics and doctoral degree in the second discipline of explosion dynamics and its application, and two provincial platforms, including Hubei Intelligent Explosive Engineering Technology Center and Mechanics Provincial Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center. According to the demand of the society for mechanical talents, the program is divided into 2 directions, such as structural engineering and blasting engineering.

Cultivation Objective: This specialty cultivates students who meet the needs of social development, have high comprehensive quality, all-round development in morality, intellectuality, physicality, aesthetics and labor, have the basic knowledge and application ability of modern mechanics and mathematics, have an international vision, and have a systematic mastery of mechanics theories, experimental analysis methodologies, engineering design methodologies, as well as the knowledge of software development and network, and are able to engage in applied research, new technology development, and research and development of mechanics and related industries, design and scientific research units. They are able to work in industrial enterprises, design and scientific research units related to mechanics, and engage in applied research, new technology development, engineering design and engineering management.

Main Courses: Theoretical Mechanics, Mechanics of Materials, Structural Mechanics, Elasticity Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics, Fundamentals of Finite Element Method, Vibration Theory, Steel Structures, Concrete Structures, Explosive Mechanics, Rock Mechanics, Rock Drilling and Blasting, and so on.

Prospects for Employment and Further Study: The employment rate of graduates of this specialty reaches more than 96%, and half of the graduates continue their further study in the former 985, 211 and other colleges and universities or scientific research institutes. Graduates of this specialty have been generally praised by employers for their solid basic knowledge, conscientiousness and hard-working spirit. Employers are more than 98% satisfied with the graduates, and the willingness to continue to recruit graduates of this specialty is 100% for three consecutive years. The employment field covers civil engineering, machinery, automobile, aerospace, transportation, materials and resources industries, mainly concentrated in large-scale state-owned enterprises such as China Construction, China Railway, China Railway Construction, Poly Group, Gezhouba Group, Dongfeng Group, CNR Group and Wuhan Municipal Government.


Introduction: In 2006, it obtained the authorization point of master's degree in Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, in 2011, it obtained the authorization point of master's degree in the first discipline of Statistics, and in 2015, the undergraduate program of Statistics started to enroll students, to cultivate "applied, compound, innovative and international" statistical talents. The program highlights the cross-penetration of statistics and economics, integrates statistical methods into industrial and financial fields, focuses on the philosophy of "thick foundation, wide caliber, and special features", and has made remarkable achievements in the fields of statistical theory and application of statistical methods, industrial and financial statistics, etc., and enjoys a higher status and influence in the field of similar majors. The program enjoys a high status and influence in the field of similar majors.

Cultivation Objective: This program cultivates high quality applied talents with high ideological quality, solid foundation, strong practical ability, innovative consciousness and international vision, who can be engaged in research, teaching, application development and management in the departments of statistics, economy and finance, education, big data analysis, computer science and so on.

Main Courses: Mathematical Analysis, Advanced Algebra and Analytic Geometry, Probability Theory, Statistics, Microeconomics, Econometrics, Statistical Calculations and Software, Time Series Analysis, Regression Analysis, Multivariate Statistical Analysis, Market Survey and Sampling Techniques, Economic Forecasting and Decision Making, Data Mining, etc.

Employment and Further Study Prospects: The employment rate of graduates of this program reaches over 96%. The employment of graduates covers government departments, financial and insurance departments, investment, securities and social security institutions, market research, consulting and information industry departments, large state-owned enterprises and institutions, colleges and universities or research institutes, pharmaceutical industry, hospitals, and other kinds of companies. With the continuous improvement of the quality of talent training, in recent years, the number of graduates who go to famous Internet companies such as Baidu and Jingdong, as well as those who are exempted from examination and recommended to famous universities such as Wuhan University and Huazhong University of Science and Technology, has been increasing.

Information and Computing Science

Introduction to the major: The undergraduate enrollment began in 1999, is one of the first batch of colleges and universities in China to offer this major. This major is a science and technology major with strong cross-section and close integration of theory and practice.In 2019, it was awarded the first batch of national first-class undergraduate major construction points. Based on this major, it was approved as a master's degree authorization point of Applied Mathematics in 2001, a master's degree authorization point of Mathematics first-level discipline in 2010, and a key (cultivation) discipline in Hubei Province in 2012. Based on this, it was approved as a doctoral degree authorization point for the first-level discipline of system science in 2018, and approved as a postdoctoral research station for system science in 2019.

Cultivation Objective:This major cultivates students with good humanistic literacy, professional ethics, sense of social responsibility and solid mathematical foundation, mastering the necessary basic theories, fundamental knowledge and professional skills in the field of information and computational sciences, with strong practical ability and innovative spirit, capable of engaging in research, teaching, application development, management and other work in the departments of mathematics, computational sciences, education, information industry, economy and finance, and so on. High-quality applied talents.

Main Courses: Mathematical Analysis, Advanced Algebra and Analytic Geometry, Probability Theory, Mathematical Statistics, Ordinary Differential Equations, Computational Methods, Discrete Mathematics, Introduction to Database Systems, Data Structures and Algorithmic Design, C++ Programming, Java Programming, Computer Networks.

Prospects for Employment and Further Study: The employment rate of graduates of this program reaches more than 96%. The employment of graduates is characterized by wide and diversified choices. The acceptance rate of graduate school is more than 30% every year, and many of them study in famous universities such as Peking University, Nankai University, Wuhan University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, etc. The overall evaluation of the society is good, and the knowledge structure is reasonable. The overall evaluation of the society is good, the knowledge structure is reasonable, the specialization is broadly adapted, and it meets the requirements of enterprise culture. Employers' satisfaction with the graduates of this program is more than 98%.

Optical Information Science and Engineering

Introduction: It is a multidisciplinary comprehensive specialty combined with optics, optoelectronics and microelectronics, involving optical radiation and optical information transmission, detection, and conversion, storage, processing and display of optoelectronic information. The program follows the development pace of the new generation of information technology and other strategic emerging industries, and is committed to serving the talent demand of the trillion-level industry development of "optical core, screen, end network" in the 51020 modern industrial system of Hubei Province, and faces the future of 5G, 6G optoelectronic information industry, intelligent optoelectronic information sensing technology, optoelectronic information processing technology, new type of optoelectronic devices and display technology. Cultivate high-quality composite professionals for the future 5G and 6G optoelectronic information industry, intelligent optoelectronic information sensing technology, optoelectronic information processing technology, new optoelectronic devices and display technology. The program has 51 full-time teachers, including 13 professors, 25 associate professors, 19 teachers with overseas experience, and 45 teachers with doctoral degrees. Among the teachers, there is one foreign academician of the Russian Academy of Engineering, five selected candidates of Hubei Talent Introduction Program, and two young and middle-aged scientific and technological innovation teams of Hubei Provincial Department of Education.

Cultivation Objective: This specialty focuses on cultivating the all-round development of morality, intellectuality, physique, aesthetics and labor, with good social responsibility, professional ethics, cultural cultivation and physical and mental qualities, reasonable knowledge structure, solid foundation, innovation, international competitiveness, and excellent high-quality application-oriented talents for the strategic emerging optoelectronic information. Graduates are required to master the basic theory, basic knowledge and basic skills of optoelectronic information, have a systematic and solid theoretical foundation, strong experimental ability and sense of innovation, good English proficiency and computer application ability. Graduates will be able to work in research institutes, strategic emerging industries from the Roppongi Optoelectronic Materials and Devices, Optoelectronic Information and Signal Processing, Solar Photovoltaic and other aspects of research, development and production work.

Main Courses: Electromagnetic Field Theory, Quantum Mechanics, Applied Optics, Signals and Systems, Solid State Physics, Physical Optics, Physical Fundamentals of Optoelectronics, Semiconductor Physics and Devices, Laser Principles and Technology, Optoelectronic Devices and Processes, Display Optics, and Optoelectronic Materials Analysis Technology.

Prospects for employment and further study: Graduates of this program can be engaged in research, development and technical management in scientific research units, enterprises and government departments in the fields of optoelectronic engineering, laser engineering, optoelectronic materials and devices, optical communications and information display, etc. They can also pursue postgraduate studies in the directions of optical engineering, materials science and engineering, and physics.
