Qi Yajuan

发布时间:2024-07-25 发布者: 浏览次数:

Qi Yajuan


Chutian Scholar

Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics

E-MAIL: yajuanqi@wust.edu.cn

Educational Background

2016--2021, Wuhan University, Condensed Matter Physics, Doctor.

2012--2016, Jiangxi Normal University, Applied Physics, Bachelor.

Work Experience

2016--Present , post docter, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, China.

Research Field

Main research field is phonon artificial structure, such as:

1: Acoustic topology .

2: Acoustic transportation.

Academic Achievements

1. Yajuan Qi, Chunyin Qiu†, Meng Xiao†, Hailong He, Manzhu Ke, and Zhengyou Liu, Acoustic Realization of Quadrupole Topological Insulators, Physical Review Letters 124, 206601(2020).

2. Yajuan Qi, Hailong He†, Meng Xiao†, Manipulation of acoustic vortex with topological dislocation states, Applied Physics Letters 120, 212202(2022).

3. Yajuan Qi†, Zhaojian He†, Ke Deng Jing Li and Yuhua Wang, † Multipole higher-order topological semimetals, Physical Review B 109, 060101(2024).

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