Zou Du

发布时间:2024-07-25 发布者: 浏览次数:

Zou Du


Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics

E-MAIL: zoudumath@wust.edu.cn

Educational Background

2012--2015, Shanghai University, Pure Mathematics, Doctor.

2005--2008, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, Applied Mathematics, Master.

2001--2005, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, Information and Computing Science, Bachelor.

Work Experience

2022--Present, Professor, Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics, School of Science, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, China.

2017--2021, Associate Professor, Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics, School of Science, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, China.

2016.01--2017.01, Visiting Scholar, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, USA.

2015--2016, Lecturer, Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics, School of Science, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, China.

Research Field

Main research field is Pure Mathematics, such as:

1: Convex Geometry and Geometric Analysis.

2: Integral and Stochastic Geometry with Applications to Wireless Networks.

Academic Achievements

1. Research on Integral Affine Surface Area and Related Minkowski Problems, No: 12171378, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2022.01-2025.12, Project leader.

2. Affine Projection Measures and the Minkowski Problem of Gauss Volume, No: 2020CFA079, Hubei Natural Science Foundation, 2020.03-2023.03, Project leader.

3. Research on the affine extremum problem of projective body in Orlicz Brunn-Minkowski theory, No: 11601399, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2017.01-2019.12, Project leader.

4. Du Zou, Ge Xiong, The Lp Minkowski problem for the electrostatic p-capacity, Journal of Differential Geometry, 116 (2020) 555-596.

5.  Du Zou, Ge Xiong, The Orlicz Brunn-Minkowski Inequalities for the projection body, Journal of Geometric Analysis, 30 (2020) 2253-2272.

6.  Du Zou, Ge Xiong, New affine inequalities and projection mean ellipsoids, Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations, 58 (2019) 44.

7. Du Zou, Ge Xiong, Convex bodies with identical John and LYZ ellipsoids, International Mathematics Research Notices, 2018 (2018) 470-491.

8. Du Zou, Ge Xiong, A unified treatment for Lp Brunn-Minkowski type inequalities, Communications in Analysis and Geometry, 26 (2018) 435-460.

9. Du Zou, Ge Xiong, Orlicz-Legendre Ellipsoids, Journal of Geometric Analysis, 26(2016) 2474-2502.

10. Deyi Li, Du Zou, Ge Xiong, Orlicz mixed affine quermassintegrals, Science China Mathematics, 58(2015), 1715-1722.

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