Yanli Liu
Associate professor
Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics
E-MAIL: yanlil2008@wust.edu.cn
Educational Background
2012--2019, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Doctor.
2002--2005, Wuhan University, Master.
1998--2002, Wuhan University, Bachelor.
Work Experience
2005--Present, Dept. of Science, Wuhan University of Science and Technology
Research Field
Optimal combination problem, Reinforcement learning, Machine learning
Academic Achievements
1.Yanali Liu, Jiming Zhao, Chumin Li, Hua Jiang, Kun He. Hybrid learning with new value function for the maximum common induced subgraph problem. AAAI23, 4044-4051.
2. Yanli Liu, Chu-Min Li, Hua Jiang, Kun He. A learning based branch and bound for maximum common subgraph related problems. AAAI20,2392-2399.
3.Jianrong Zhou, Kun He, Jiongzhi Zheng, Chu-Min Li, Yanli Liu. A Strengthened Branch and Bound Algorithm for the Maximum Common (Connected) Subgraph Problem.IJCAI 2022: 1908-1914.
4. Chu-Min Li, Yanli Liu, Hua Jiang, Felip Manyá, Yu Li. A new upper bound for the maximum weight clique problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 2018, 270: 66-77
5. Hua Jiang, Chu-Min Li, Yanli Liu, Felip Manyà. A Two-Stage MaxSAT Reasoning Approach for the Maximum Weight Clique Problem. AAAI2018: 1338 -1346.
6. Kun He, Wenqi Huang, Yan Jin, Yanli Liu. Modern methods for solving NP-hard problems, Hubei Province Natural science, Tird prize, 2018.
7. "Improving lower bounds in MAXSAT complete algorithm based optimizing inconsistent set",Excellent poster award, China compter conference(CCF), 2013.
8. The 8th Maxsat Evaluation international competition, maxsatz2013f algortihm win the first place in random and crafted track.