发布时间:2024-07-25 发布者: 浏览次数:

WEI  Ran

Associate Professor                             

Dept. of Applied Physics

E-MAIL: weiran@wust.edu.cn

Educational Background

2009--2012, Ibaraki University, Materials Science, Doctor.

2005--2008, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, Materials Science, Master.

1999--2003, Central China Normal University, Physics, Bachelor.

Work Experience

2017--Present, Associate Professor, Dept. of Applied Physics, College of Science, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, China.

2009--2017, Lecturer, Department of Applied Physics, College of Science, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, China.

2003--2009, Teaching Assistant, Department of Applied Physics, College of Science, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, China.

Research Field

Main research field:

1: Kinetics of phase transformation.

2: Multiscale modelling in materials

Academic Achievements

1. Yiming Cai, Ran Wei*, Duoduo Jin, Lin Cheng, Xiangliang Wan,

and Kaiming Wu. Complex Precipitation Behavior and Mechanism of NbC During Ferrite Transformation in a HSLA. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A,2024,Accepted.

2. Yiming Cai, Ran Wei*, Duoduo Jin, Honghong Wang, Xiangliang Wan, Chengyang Hu and Kaiming Wu. Influence of Solute Drag Effect and Interphase Precipitation of Nb on Ferrite Transformation. Materials 2024, 17, 2440.

3. Libo Wang, Chengyang Hu, ,Xiangliang Wan, Songbo Zhou, Ran Wei, Chengyi Zhu, Guangqiang Li and Kaiming Wu. Impacts of Nb on grain refinement in a simulated coarse-grained-heat-affected-zone of ultra-high-strength steels. Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 2023, 28(7):608-618.

4. Wang, H. H. , Wang, J. , Tong, Z. , Hodgson, P. D. , Wan, X. L. , Wu, K. M. Wei R. Characterization of Nb Interface Segregation During Welding Thermal Cycle in Microalloyed Steel by Atom Probe Tomography. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2018, 49.

5. Wang Hong Hong, Qin Zhan Peng, Wan Xiang Liang, Wei Ran, Wu Kai Ming, Misra Devesh, Continuous cooling transformation behavior and impact toughness in heat-affected zone of Nb-containing fire-resistant steel. Metals and Materials International, 2017, 23(5):848-854.

6.     Wang Hong Hong, Qin Zhan Peng, Wei Ran, Wan Xiang Liang, Wu Kai Ming. Precipitation of carbonitrides and high-temperature strength in heat-affected zone of high-Nb containing fire-resistant steel. Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 2016, 22(2) 157-165.

7.     X.L. Wan, K.M. Wu, L. Cheng, R. Wei, In-situ Observations of Acicular Ferrite Growth Behavior in the Simulated Coarse-grained Heat-affected Zone of High-strength Low-alloy Steels,ISIJ International,2015,55(3):679-685.

8.     L. Cheng, K.M. Wu, X.L. Wan, R. Wei, In-situ observation on the growth of Widmanstatten sideplates in an Fe-C-Mn steel,Materials Characterization,2014,87:86-94.

9.     X.L. Wan, K.M. Wu, G. Huang, R. Wei, L. Cheng, In situ observation of austenite grain growth behavior in the simulated coarse-grained heat-affected zone of Ti-microalloyed steels, International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials, 2014,21(9):878-885.

10.     R. Wei,M. Enomoto,R. Hadian,H.S. Zurob,G.R. Purdy,Growth of austenite from as-quenched martensite during intercritical annealing in an Fe–0.1C–3Mn–1.5Si alloy,Acta Materialia,2013,61(2):697-707.

11.     X. L. Wan, R. Wei, Cheng, L., M. Enomoto, Adachi, Y.,Lengthening kinetics of ferrite plates in high-strength low-carbon low alloy steel,Journal of Materials Science, 2013, 48(12):4345-4355.

12.     R. Wei, K. M. Wu. Effect of Zr- Ti combined deoxidation on microstructure and toughness in coarse- grained region of heat- affected zone of high strength low alloy steels. Transactions of the China Welding Institute, 2012, 33(10):71-74.

13.     G.H. Zhang, R. Wei, M. Enomoto, D.W. Suh,Growth kinetics of proeutectoid ferrite in Fe-0.1C-1.5Mn-1Si quaternary and Fe-0.1C-1.5Mn-1Si-0.2Al quinary alloys,Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A-Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science,2012,43(3):833-842.

14.     R. Wei,M. Enomoto,Discussion on the alloying element partition and growth kinetics of proeutectoid ferrite in Fe-C-Mn-X alloys,Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A,2011,42(12):3554-3557.

15.     R. Wei, K. Kanno, M. Enomoto,Alloying element partition and growth kinetics of proeutectoid ferrite in hot-deformed Fe-0.1C-3Mn-1.5Si austenite,Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A,2011,42(8):2189-2198.

16.     R. Wei, K. M. Wu. Microstructural analysis of deposited metal microstructures in a low carbon high strength microalloyed steel. Transactions of the China Welding Institute, 2010, 31(07):47-50.

17.     Ran Wei, Cheng-jia Shang and Kai-ming Wu. Grain refinement in the coarse-grained region of the heat-affected zone in low-carbon high-strength microalloyed steels. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 2010,17(6):737-741.

18.     X.L. Wan, R. Wei, K.M. Wu., Effect of acicular ferrite formation on grain refinement in the coarse-grained region of heat-affected zone,Materials Characterization,2010,61(7):726-731.

上一条:Wang Yuhua 下一条:XU Mairong
