WANG Shushen

发布时间:2024-07-25 发布者: 浏览次数:

WANG Shushen

Associate professor                             

Department of Applied Physics


Educational Background

2010--2015, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Materials Science and Engineering, Doctor.

2008--2010, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Materials Science and Engineering, Master.

2004--2008, Jilin University, Materials Physics, Bachelor.

Work Experience

2017--Present, Associate professor, Collaborative Innovation Center for Advanced Steels, College of Science, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, China.

2015--2017, Postdoc researcher, Lab of Amorphous Materials, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China.

Research Field

Main research field is advanced functional materials, such as:

1.Novel dealloying technique to prepare nanoporous metals.

2.Preparation and structural regulation of nanoporous metals with high catalytic/electrocatalytic properties.

3.Hydrogen storage alloys with nanoproous structures fabricated by dealloying in metal melt.

Academic Achievements

[1]     Y.Z Guo, S.S. Wang, Z.W. Duan, K.M. Wu. Synthesis of phosphorus-doped electrocatalyst with hierarchical structures for hydrogen generation in seawater. Materials Letter, 2024 (361) 136109.

[2]     X. Chang, Z.W. Duan, D.S. Wang, S.S. Wang, Z. Lin, B. Ma, K.M. Wu, High Entropy Spinel Ferrites with Broadband Wave Absorption Synthesized by Simple Solid-Phase Reaction, Molecules, 2023 (28) 03468.

[3]     F.D. Li, X. Chang, S.S. Wang, Y.Z. Guo, H.Y. Li, K.M. Wu, Excellent electrocatalytic performance toward methanol oxidation of hierarchical porous NiCu obtained by electrochemical dealloying, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2023 (934) 167811.

[4]     L.Y. Gu, S.S. Wang, X.D. Hui, F.D. Li, H.F. Lin, K.M. Wu. Degradation performance and mechanism toward methyl orange via nanoporous copper powders fabricated by dealloying of ZrCuNiAl metallic glassy precursors, Nanotechnology, 2022 33(13) 135713.

[5]     F.D Li, S.S. Wang, L.Y. Gu, X. Chang, K.M. Wu. One-step dealloying of ni-y-al metallic glass for fabrication of nanoporous hybrid toward efficient water splitting reaction. Ionics, 2022 28(3) 1367-1376.

[6]     D.S. Wang, A. Mukhtar, M. Humayun, K. M. Wu, ZL. Du, S.S. Wang, Y.X. Zhang, A Critical Review on Nanowire-Motors: Design, Mechanism and Applications, The Chemical Record, 2022 22(8) 202200016.

[7]     S.S. Wang, H.Y. Li, H.F. Lin, K.M. Wu. Enhanced electro-catalytic performance of Pd-based hierarchical nanoporous structures fabricated by micropatterning and dealloying of Pd-Ni-P metallic glass. Nanotecnology, 2020 (31) 155301. 

[8]     S.S. Wang, N. Li, L. Liu. Enhanced hydrogen generation performance of Pd-based micro/nano hierarchical porous structure. Materials Letters, 2018 (228) 443-446.

[9]     H.Y. Li, S.S. Wang, L Liu, Z.W. Zhang, Y. Yu, L. Liu, Y. Wu. Flexible Bimetallic Nanoporous Cu-Ag Synthesized by Electrochemical Dealloying for Battery-Type Electrodes with High Electrochemical Performance. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2018 165(5) A947-A951.

[10]     S.S. Wang, L. Liu. Fabrication of novel nanoporous copper powder catalyst by dealloying of ZrCuNiAl amorphous powders for the application of wastewater treatment. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2017 (340) 445-453.

[11]     S.S. Wang, C. Zhang, H.Y. Li, L. Liu. Enhanced electro-catalytic performance of Pd-based amorphous nanoporous structure synthesized by dealloying Pd32Ni48P20 metallic glass. Intermetallics, 2017 (87) 6-12.

上一条:WANG Liyong 下一条:Wang Yuhua
