WANG Dengjing

发布时间:2024-07-25 发布者: 浏览次数:

WANG Dengjing


Dept. of Applied Physics


Educational Background

Ph.D. (2003.09-2007. 03) Condensed Matter Physics, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.

M. S. (2000.09-2003.03) Material Physics and Chemistry, Northeastern University, Shenyang, China.

B. S. (1994.09-1998.07) Department of Physics, Northeastern University, China.

Work Experience

2011--Present, Professor, Dept. of Applied Physics, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, China.

2010--2011 , Visiting Scholar, Dept. of Applied Physics, Regensburg University, Germany.

2007--2010 , Associate Professor, Dept. of Applied Physics, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, China.

1998--2000, Assistant Engineer, Dept. of Physics, Northeastern University, China.

Research Field

1: Magnetism and Magnetic Materials.

2: Films and Heterojunction of Metallic Oxides.

Academic Achievements

(1) Shuang Wu; Qian Liu; Zhonggang Wang; Zhenhua Zhang; Zhihong Lu; Rui Xiong; Jinlei Yao; Dengjing Wang ; Effects of low voltage ionized hydrogen ion bombardment in semi-insulating GaAs,Vacuum, 2023, 215: 112314.

(2) Hai-Lin Huang; Deng-Jing Wang; Hong-Rui Zhang; Hui Zhang; Chang-Min Xiong; Ji-Rong Sun; Bao-Gen Shen ; Abundant photoelectronic behaviors of La0.67Sr0.33MnO3/Nb:SrTiO3 junctions, Chinese physics B, 2017, 26(7): 077302-1-070302-5.

(3) Wang, D. J.; Sun, J. R.; Xie, Y. W.; Li, Y. B.; Zhang, L. G.; Wang, R. W.; Shen, B. G. ; Effects of lattice strains on the interfacial potential in La(0.67)Ca(0.33)MnO(3)/SrTiO(3) : Nb heterojunctions, Applied Physics Letters, 2010, 97(19): 125903-125905.

(4) D. J. Wang; J. R. Sun; Y. W. Xie; W. M. Lü S. Liang; T. Y. Zhao; B. G. Shen ; Magnetic field effects on the manganite junction with different electronic processes, Applied Physics Letters, 2007, 91: 062503-062505.

(5) D. J. Wang; J. R. Sun; S. Y. Zhang; G. J. Liu,; B. G. Shen; H. F. Tian; J. Q. Li ; Hall effect in La0.7Ce0.3MnO3+ films with variable oxygen content, Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 2006, 73: 144403-1-144403-6.

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