HENG Bojun

发布时间:2024-07-25 发布者: 浏览次数:

HENG Bojun

Associate Professor                             

Dept. of Applied physics

E-MAIL: 460990542@qq.com

Educational Background

2016-2017, Wollongong University, Condensed matter physics, Visiting scholar.

2009--2013, Central China Normal University, Condensed matter physics, Doctor.

2001--2004, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Electronics and Information, Master.

1992--1996, Central China Normal University, Physics Education, Bachelor.

Work Experience

2012--Present , Associate professor,college of science, Wuhan University of science and technology , China.

2001--2012, lecturer, Dept. of applied physics, college of science, Wuhan University of science and technology , China.

1996--2001, Assistant,  Dept. of applied physics, college of science, Wuhan University of science and technology , China.

Research Field

Main research field is material science, such as:

1: Energy storage material.

2: nano-material and technology

Academic Achievements

1. B. J. Heng, C. Qing, B. X. Wang, D. M. Sun, H. Wang, and Y. W. Tang,Fe Doped CuO Induced Performance Improvement of lithium ion battery, In preparation.

2. B. J. Heng, C. Qing, D. M. Sun, B. X. Wang, H. Wang, and Y. W. TangRapid synthesis of CuO nanoribbons and nanoflowers from the same reaction system, and a comparison of their supercapacitor performance, RSC advances, 2013, 3, 15719-15726.

3. B. J. Heng, T. Xiao, W. Tao, X. Y Hu, X. Q. Chen, B. X. Wang, D. M. Sun,and Y. W. TangZn Doping-Induced Shape Evolution of  Microcrystals: The Case of Cuprous Oxide, Crystal Growth & Design, 2012, 12, 3998-4005.

4. B. J. Heng, T. Xiao, X. Y. Hu, M. Yuan, W. Tao, W. Huang, Y. W. TangCatalytic activity of Cu2O micro-particles with different morphologies in the thermal decomposition of ammonium perchlorate, Thermochimica Acta2011524, 135-139.

5. Heng Bojun, Qing Chen, Wang Hai,  Effect of Cu2O on performance of lithiumion full battery with electrode of CuO nanostructure films,Journal of Wuhan University of Science and Technology, 2016, 39-6, 421-427

6. T. Xiao, B. J. Heng, X. Y. Hu, and Y. W. TangIn Situ CVD Synthesis of Wrinkled Scale-Like Carbon Arrays on ZnO Template and Their Use to Supercapacitors, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2011, 115, 25155-25159,

7. X. Y. Hu, B. J. Heng, X. Q. Chen, B. X. Wang, D. M. Sun, Y. M. Sun, W. Zhou, Y. W. TangUltralong porous ZnO nanobelt arrays grown directly on fluorine-doped SnO2 substrate for dye-sensitized solar cells, Journal of Power Sources, 2012, 217, 120-127.

8. X. Y. Hu, T. Xiao, W. Huang, W. Tao, B. J. Heng, X. Q. Chen, Y. W. TangSynthesis, characterization of coreshell carbon-coated CaSnO3 nanotubes and their performance as anode of lithium ion battery, Applied Surface Science, 2012, 258, 6177-6183.

9. L. J. Luo, W. Tao, X. Y. Hu, T. Xiao, B. J. Heng, W. Huang, H. Wang, H. W. Han, Q. K. Jiang, J. B. Wang, Y. W. Tang, Mesoporous F-doped ZnO prism arrays with significantly enhanced photovoltaic performance for dye-sensitized solar cells, Journal of Power Sources, 2011, 196, 10518-10525

10. Third Prize of Hubei Provincial Natural Science Award in December 2016.

11.《College Physics Demonstration Experiment Course Co Editor, published by Science Press 2009ISBN:978-7-03-023935-8 

12,《University Physics Experiment Co Editor, published by Hubei Lexicographical Publishing House,  2002 ISBN 7-5403-0517-7/G.246

13, University Physics Course Part One and Part Two, Associate Editor, published by Science Press, ISBN 978-7-03-042627-7

 14. Guidance for Learning College Physics》,Co Editor, published by Science Press, ISBN 978-7-03-042464-8

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