Chen Wei

发布时间:2024-07-25 发布者: 浏览次数:

Chen Wei

Associate Professor                             

Dept. of Applied Physics


Educational Background

2015--2016, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, visiting student.

2009--2018, Central China Normal University, Institute of Particle Physics, Doctor.

2005--2009, Central China Normal University, College of Physical Science and Technology, Bachelor.

Work Experience

2023.10--now, Associate Professor, School of Science, Wuhan University of Science and Technology.

2023.01--2023.10, Lecturer, School of Science, Wuhan University of Science and Technology.

2021--2022, Post-doctor/special research assistant, School of Nuclear Science and Technology, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences , China.

2019--2020, Post-doctor, School of Nuclear Science and Technology, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences , China.

Research Field

Main research field is theoretical physics, such as:

1: The study of quark-gluon plasma(QGP) properties in heavy-ion collisions.

2: The phase structure of QCD.

Academic Achievements

1. Deep learning assisted jet tomography for the study of Mach cones in QGP

Zhong Yang, Yayun He, Wei Chen, Wei-Yao Ke, Long-Gang Pang, Xin-Nian Wang

Eur.Phys.J.C 83 (2023) 7, 652

2. 3D structure of jet-induced diffusion wake in an expanding quark-gluon plasma

Zhong Yang, Tan Luo, Wei Chen, Long-Gang Pang, Xin-Nian Wang

Phys.Rev.Lett. 130 (2023) 5, 052301

3. Event-by-event jet anisotropy and hard-soft tomography of the quark-gluon plasma

Yayun He, Wei Chen, Tan Luo, Shanshan Cao, Long-Gang Pang, Xin-Nian Wang

 Phys.Rev.C 106 (2022) 4, 044904

4.From hydro to jet quenching, coalescence and hadron cascade: a coupled approach to solving the $R_{AA}\otimes v_2 $ puzzle

Wenbin Zhao; Weiyao Ke; Wei Chen; Tan Luo; Xin-Nian Wang

Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 022302 (2022)

5.Search for the Elusive Jet-Induced Diffusion Wake in Z/γ-Jets with 2 D Jet Tomography in High Energy Heavy-Ion Collisions.

Wei Chen; Zhong Yang; Yayun He; Weiyao Ke; Long-Gang Pang; Xin-Nian Wang

Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 082301 (2021)

6.The effect of jet-induced medium excitation on $\Lambda /k^0 _s$ in jet in Pb-Pb collisions

Wei Chen; Shanshan Cao; Tan Luo; Long-Gang Pang; Xin-Nian Wang

j.nuclphysa.2 0 2 0 .1 2 1 9 3 4

7.Medium modifi cation of γ-jet fragmentation functions in Pb+Pb collisions at LHC

Wei Chen; Tan Luo; Shanshan Cao; Long-Gang Pang; Xin-Nian Wang

Physics Letters B, 2020, 810(10)

8.Interplaying mechanisms behind single inclusive jet suppression in heavy-ion collisions

Yayun He; Shanshan Cao; Wei Chen; Tan Luo; Long-Gang Pang; Xin-Nian Wang

Physical Review C, 2019, 99(5)

9.Effects of jet-induced medium excitation in gamma-hadron correlation in A plus A collisions

Wei Chen; Shanshan Cao; Tan Luo; Long-Gang Pang; Xin-Nian Wang

PHYSICS LETTERS B, 2018, (777): 86-90

10.Jet-induced medium excitation in γ -hadron correlation at RHIC

Wei Chen; Shanshan Cao; Tan Luo; Long-Gang Pang; Xin-Nian Wang

j.nuclphysa.2 0 1 7 .0 5 .0 0 5

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