HAN Fang

发布时间:2024-08-05 发布者: 浏览次数:

HAN Fang

Associate Professor

Dept. of Engineering Mechanics


Educational Background

2003--2008, Wuhan University, Engineering Mechanics, Doctor.

1999--2003, Wuhan University, Engineering Mechanics, Bachelor.

Work Experience

2013--present, Associate Professor, College of Science, Department of Engineering Mechanics, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, China.

2008-2013, Lecturer, College of Science, Department of Engineering Mechanics, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, China.

2018-2019, Visiting scholar, University of Houston.

Research Field

Main research field is numerical simulation, such as:

1: Numerical Simulation of Engineering Structures.

2: Structural Health Monitoring and Damage Detection.

Academic Achievements

1.Han Fang; Xia Yangchun; Chen Tianchi; Zhang Bofang; Fang Jianxin. Experimental study on damage monitoring of axially compressed wood columns based on time reversal method. Experimental Technology and Management.2023.40(11).52-57.

2.Han Fang; Chen Tianchi; Yan zhi; Xiong Chang. Experimental study on damage detection for Mortise-Tenon Joints based on Piezoelectric Active Sensing Technology. Piezo electrics and Acoustooptics.2023.45(2):243-247.

3.Han Fang; Zhang Quanjing; Wang Chengfeng; Lu Guangtao; Jiang Jinwei. Structural Health Monitoring of Timber Using Electromechanical Impedance (EMI) Technique. Advances in Civil Engineering. 2020,7,1-9.

4.Han Fang; Jiang Jiwei;Xu Kai;Wang Ning. Damage Detection of Common Timber Connections Using Piezoceramic Transducers and Active Sensing. Sensors. 2019,19,2486-2497.

5.Han Fang; Zhong Dongwang; Han Xinxing; Zeng Xianglong; Tang Yucheng; Liu Ying. Influence of wind load acted on tall chimney in directional blasting. Explosion and Shock Waves.2014.34(5):554-559.

6.Han Fang; Han Xinxing; Zeng Xianglong; Tang Yucheng; Liu Ying. Systematic design for influence of wind load acted on chimney in directional blasting based on VB.Blasting.2014.31(1):128-132.

7. Han Fang; Zhong Dongwang; Cai Lujun. Research of the dynamic amplification factor considering the effect of transient response of structure. Mechanics in Engineering.2013.35(4):64-65.

8. Han Fang; Zhong Dongwang; Wang Jun. Research on Complicated Finite Element Model Modification Based on Bayesian Method .Journal of Vibration and Shock. 2012.31(1):39-43.

9. Han Fang; Zhong Dongwang; Gong Xiangchao. Research on model updating based on information fusion. Chinese Journal of Solid Mechanics.2011.32(S).422-425.

10.The National Natural Science Foundation of China (NO.51108358), Research on model updating based on Bayesian method for underground powerhouse of pumped-storage power station.2012-2014. (Project Leader).

11.The National Natural Science Foundation of China (NO.52274136),Study on coupling mechanism and cooperative regulation method of vibration amplitude frequency and fragmentation degree of precise delay blasting.2022-2026. (Main Participant)

12.The National Natural Science Foundation of China (NO.51174147),Research on slope stability with accurate time delay control blasting. 2012-2015. (Main Participant)

13.The National Natural Science Foundation of China (NO.51574184).Research on Dynamic response and failure mechanism of buried pipeline under blasting.2016-2019.(Main Participant)

14.First Prize of the Third "Curriculum Ideology and Politics Teaching Design Competition" in Wuhan University of Science and Technology (2023.1)

15.Engineering Mechanics won the First-class Online and Offline Blended Course in Hubei Province (2023.11)

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