Chen Juan

发布时间:2024-07-25 发布者: 浏览次数:


Associate Professor                             

Dept. of Systems Science


Educational Background

2008--2011,Wuhan University, Computational Mathematics, Doctor.

2006--2008,Wuhan University, Computational Mathematics, Master.

2002--2006,Central China Normal University, Information and Computational Science, Bachelor.

Work Experience

2023--Present, Associate professor, Dept. of Systems Science, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, China.

2014--2022, Associate professor, Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, China.

2011--2014, Lecturer, Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, China.

2010.11-2011.1, Research Assistant, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong.

2014--Present, Council Member, Systems Engineering Society of Hubei Province.

Research Field

Main research field is complex networks, such as:

1: Synchronization and control.

2: Topological identification.

Academic Achievements

1.Publication of Academic papers

(1)Juan Chen,Jun-an Lu,Full-State Generalized Synchronization of Nonidentical Chaotic Systems,Control Theory and Applications, 26, 949-952, 2009/09, in Chinese.(EI)

(2)Juan Chen, Jun-an Lu, Xiaoqun Wu, Wei Xing Zheng, Generalized Synchronization of Complex Dynamical Networks via Impulsive Control, Chaos, 19, 043119, 2009/12. (SCI)

(3)Hui Liu, Juan Chen, Jun-an Lu, Ming Cao. Generalized Synchronization in Complex Dynamical Networks via Adaptive Couplings, Physica A, 389, 1759-1770, 2010/04. (SCI)

(4)Juan Chen, Jun-an Lu, Xiaoqun Wu, Wei Xing Zheng, Impulsive Synchronization of Complex Networks of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems, Proceedings of 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Paris, France, 2010/05, pp 421-424. (EI)

(5)Juan Chen, Jun-an Lu, Laplacian Spectral Properties of Complex Networks, Proceedings of the 29th Chinese Control Conference,   Beijing, China, 2010/07, pp 4684-4689. (EI)

(6)Juan Chen, Hui Liu, Jun-an Lu, Qunjiao Zhang, Projective and Lag Synchronization of A Novel Hyperchaotic System via Impulsive Control. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations, 16, 2033-2040, 2011/04. (SCI)

(7)Juan Chen, Jun-an Lu, Xiaoqun Wu, Bidirectionally Coupled Synchronization of The Generalized Lorenz Systems, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 24, 433-448, 2011/06. (SCI)

(8)Juan Chen, Jun-an Lu, Mesoscales Reveal Synchronization Processes in Complex Networks, Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, 41, 8-16, 2012/01, in Chinese. (EI)

(9)Xiong Wang, Juan Chen, Jun-an Lu, Guanrong Chen*, A Simple yet Complex One-parameter Family of Generalized Lorenz-like Systems. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 22, 1250116,   2012/05. (SCI)

(10) Juan Chen, Jun-an Lu, Xiaofei Lu, Xiaoqun Wu, Guanrong Chen, Spectral Coarse Graining of Complex Clustered Networks, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations, 18, 3036-3045, 2013/11. (SCI)

(11)Qunjiao Zhang, Juan Chen, Li Wan, Impulsive Generalized Function Synchronization of Complex Dynamical Networks, Physics Letters A, 377, 2754-2760, 2013/11. (SCI)

(12)Juan Chen, Jun-an Lu, Jin Zhou, Topology Identification of Complex Networks from Noisy Time Series Using ROC Curve Analysis, Nonlinear Dynamics, 74, 1-8, 2013/11. (SCI)

(13)Juan ChenJun-an Lu, Jin Zhou, On the Relationship between the Synchronous State and the Solution of an Isolated Node in a Complex Network, Acta Automatica Sinica, 39, 2111-2120, 2013/12, in Chinese. (EI)

(14) Zhou Jin , Chen Juan, Lu Jun-an,et al. On Applicability of Auxiliary System Approach to Detect Generalized Synchronization in Complex Network, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 62(7): 3468-3473, 2017/7(SCI)

(15) Peipei Zhang, Juan Chen*, Lilan Tu and Longteng Yin. Layout Evaluation of New Energy Vehicle Charging Stations: A Perspective Using the Complex Network Robustness Theory. World Electric Vehicle Journal,2022, 13: 127. (SCI)

(16)Juan Chen*, Li Xinru, Xiaoqun Wu and Ganbin Shen. Prescribed-Time Synchronization of Complex Dynamical Networks With and Without Time-Varying Delays.IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 2022, 9:4017 - 4027. (SCI)

(17) Han Shen, Lilan Tu*, Yifei Guo, Juan Chen. The influence of cross-platform and spread sources on emotional information spreading in the 2E-SIR two-layer network. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 2022,165: 112801. (SCI)

(18)Chai Lang, Tu lilan*, Wang Xianjia, Chen Juan.  Network-energy-based predictability and link-corrected prediction in complex networks. Expert Systems With Applications, 2022, 207: 118005. (SCI)

(19)Lang Chai, Lilan Tu*, Xinyi Yu, Xianjia Wang, Juan Chen. Link prediction and its optimization based on low-rank representation of network structures. Expert Systems with Applications, 2023, 219: 119680. (SCI)

(20)Xinyi Yu, Lilan Tu*, Lang Chai, Xianjia Wang, Juan Chen. Construction of implicit social network and recommendation between usersand items via the ISR-RRM algorithm. Expert Systems with Applications, 2024, 235: 121229. (SCI)

2.Scientific Research Projects

(1)Synchronization Processes in directed community networks via eigenvalues spectrum, National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.61304164, 2014.01-2016.12.

(2)Synchronization Processes and Desynchronization Processes in community networks, Research Foundation of Education Department of Hubei Province of China, No.Q20131107, 2013.01-2014.12.

3.Academic Books

(1)Lu Jun-an, Liu Hui, Chen Juan, Synchronization in Complex Dynamical Networks, Higher Education Press, 2016, in Chinese.

(2)Juan Chen, Jun-an Lu, Choujun Zhan, Guanrong Chen, Laplacian Spectra and Synchronization Processes on Complex Networks, A book chapter for the handbook of Optimization in Complex Networks, edited by My T. Thai and Panos Pardalos, University of Florida, Springer, 81-113, 2012.

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