Feng Yuqiang

发布时间:2024-07-25 发布者: 浏览次数:

FENG Yuqiang


Dept. of Systems Science

E-MAIL: fengyuqiang@wust.edu.cn

Educational Background

2001--2004, Xidian University, Mathematics, Doctor.

1997--2000, Northwest Normal University, Mathematics, Master.

1993--1997, Yanan University, Mathematics, Bachelor.

Work Experience

2005--Present , Professor, Dept. of System Science, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, China.

2000--2005, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Applied Mathematics, , Xidian University, China.

Research Field

Main research field is detection technology, such as:

1: Lie Symmetry Analysis and Applications.

2: Evolution Games.

Academic Achievements

1.Yuqiang Feng and Sanyang Liu, Fixed-point theorems for multi-valued contractive mappings and multi-valued Caristi type mappings. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 317(2006):103-112.

2. Yuqiang Feng, Existence and uniqueness results for a third-order implicit differential equation, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 2008,56 (10): 2507-2514.

3.Yuqiang Feng, Solution and positive solution of a semi-linear third-order equation, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 29 (2009): 153–161.

4. Yuqiang Feng, On the Existence and Multiplicity of Positive Periodic Solutions of a Nonlinear Third-Order Equation, Applied Mathematics Letters 22(2009): 1220- 1224.

5.Yuqiang Feng, Sobolev inequality and the exact multiplicity of solutions to a second-order Neumann boundary value problem, Acta Applicanda Mathematicae 110(2010):895-905.

6. Yuqiang Feng, Wei Mao, The equivalence of cone metric spaces and metric spaces, Fixed Point Theory , 11(2010):259-264.7.

7.Yuqiang Feng, Guangjun Li, Exact three  positive solutions to a second-order Neumann boundary value problem with singular nonlinearity The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 35-2D (2010):189–195.

8.Yuqiang Feng, Guangjun Qu, A new Comparison theorem and the solvability of a third-order two-point boundary value problem,Bulletin of Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society . (2) 34(3) (2011), 435-444.

9.Yuqiang Feng, Haonan Wang, Characterizations of reproducing cone and uniqueness of fixed point, Nonlinear Analysis 74 (2011) :5759-5765.

10. Shihui Jia, Zhongping Wan, Yuqiang Feng and Guangmin. Wang, New partial cooperation model for bilevel programming problems, Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics 22(2011):263–266.

11. Yuqiang Feng, Xincheng Ding, On the solvability of a fourth-order multi-point boundary value problem, Annales Polonici Mathematici 104 (2012):13-22.

12.Xincheng Ding, Yuqiang Feng, Rongli Bu, Existence, nonexistence and multiplicity of positive solutions for nonlinear fractional differential equations, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing ,40(2012):371-381.

13. Yuqiang Feng, Ping Tong, Existence and nonexistence of Positive Periodic Solutions to a Second order Differential inclusion, Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, 42(2013): 449-459.

14.Changchang Bu, Yuqiang Feng and Hui Li, Existence and uniqueness of fixed point for mixed monotone ternary operators, Fixed Point Theory and Applications (2014)2014,223, 13 pages

15.Yuqiang Feng,Wei Mao, Guangjun Qu, Fixed Point Theorems of Multi-valued Decreasing Operators on Cones, Journal of Nonlinear Science and Applications, 8(2015):334-339

16.Hui Li, Yuqiang Feng and Changchang Bu, Non-conjugate boundary value problem of a third order differential equation, Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations , 2015, 2015(21):1-19

17.Yuqiang Feng ,Yuanyuan Wang, Fixed points of multi-valued monotone operators and the solvability of a fractional integral inclusion, Fixed Point Theory and Applications (2016) 2016, 64,15 pages

18.Weimin Wang, Yuqiang Feng, Yuanyuan Wang, Nonlinear Gronwall-Bellman type inequalities and their applications, Mathematics, 2017, 5, 31

19.Jun Jiang, Yuqiang Feng and Shougui Li, Variational problems with partial fractional derivatives: optimal conditions and Noether's theorem, Journal of Function Spaces, vol 2018, Article ID: 41977673, 14pages

20.Jun Jiang, Yuqiang Feng and Shuli Xu,  Noether symmetries and its inverse for fractional logarithm Lagrangians systems, Journal of Systems Science and Information, 7(2019):90 – 98

21.Yuqiang Feng,Yuanyuan Wang, and Deyi Li, Comparison Theorem and Solvability of the Boundary Value Problem of a Fractional Differential Equation, Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics, 79 (2020): 57-68.

22.Jun Jiang, Yuqiang Feng and Shougui Li, Exact Solutions of Fractional Partial Differential Equations by Improved  Fractional Sub-Equation Method, Journal of Function Spaces, vol 2020, Article ID 5840920

23.Yuqiang Feng, Jicheng Yu, Lie symmetry analysis of fractional ordinary differential equation with neutral delay, AIMS Mathematics, 2021,6(4):3592-3605

24.Nan Jiang, Yuqiang Feng, Xianjia Wang, Fractional order game model of green and low-carbon innovation evolution in manufacturing enterprises and its discretization, Alexandria Engineering Journal ,2022, 61, 12673–12687

25.Jicheng Yu and Yuqiang Feng,Lie symmetry analysis and exact solutions of time fractional Black-Scholes equation, International Journal of Financial Engineering,  2022, 9, 2250023

26.Feng, Y.; Pan, Q.; Jiang, J. Existence and Uniqueness of Solution to a Terminal Value Problem of First-Order Differential Equation. Axioms 2022, 11, 435.

27.Shuli Xu, Yuqiang Feng,Jun Jiang,  A Variation of Constant Formula for Caputo Fractional Stochastic Differential Equations with Jump-Diffusion, Statistics and Probability Letters, 185 (2022) 109406

28.Jicheng Yu and Yuqiang Feng,Lie symmetry analysis and exact solutions of space-time
fractional cubic Schrodinger equation,
International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics,19(5) (2022) 2250077 (20 pages) (SCI)

29.Wen, Li, Deyi Li, Yuqiang Feng, The inverse Berger’s maximum theorem in locally convex topological spaces and applications, Georgian Mathematical Journal, 2022; 29(5): 761–772 (SCI)

30.Feng Yuqiang, Xie, Juntao, Wu, Bo. A New Equilibrium Version of Ekeland’s Variational Principle and Its Applications. Axioms 202211, 68.

31.Jicheng Yu, Yuqiang Feng, On the generalized time fractional reaction–diffusion equation: Lie symmetries, exact solutions and conservation laws, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2024, 182,114855.

上一条:Deng Zhao 下一条:Gao Fujuan
