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"Rational Research" series of academic forums: Explore the frontiers of science and stimulate academic thought

发布时间:2024-04-28 发布者: 浏览次数:

(Correspondent Zheng Yingtao Wang Qiuyu) In order to further promote the academic exchange among graduate students, stimulate the enthusiasm of graduate students for scientific research, and create a strong academic atmosphere, our college held a series of academic forum activities "The Reason of Research" in Chongshi Hall of Huangjihu Campus Library on April 25. President Ding Yiming, Vice President He Li, Vice President Wang Yuhua and other judges attended the academic forum.

Professor Ding Yiming, Dean of the School of Science, delivered a speech. He pointed out that the graduate academic Forum is an important part of graduate training, which not only actively promotes academic interaction and exchange, but also displays the innovative spirit and academic achievements of graduate students, and is an important way and platform for graduate students to carry out academic exchanges, enhance innovation awareness, stimulate innovative thinking and enhance innovation ability. It is hoped that this academic forum can provide an opportunity for academic exchange for our students and jointly promote the development of our disciplines.

Subsequently, 9 students from different disciplines made wonderful reports and shared their research results and cutting-edge technologies. They shared the latest research results and academic perspectives, presented the latest advances and trends in their respective fields, explored challenges and solutions to scientific problems, and looked ahead to the future direction of development.

After the completion of the speech, the expert judges will ask questions and reply to the reporter. At the same time, the participants carried out in-depth exchanges and discussions on hot issues in their respective fields, stimulating new research ideas.

Finally, Vice Dean He Li summarized the academic forum and said that He would continue to hold similar academic exchange activities to further promote the cross-integration of various disciplines in the School of Science, and sent a message to all students to cherish the postgraduate time, strive to learn the truth during the postgraduate period, make first-class academic achievements, and make greater contributions to promoting scientific progress and social development.

After expert review, the graduate forum produced two first prizes: Chen Shasha, Li Yue; Three second prizes: Tang Chongbiao, Li Sunbowen, Zhang Xinyue; Third prize: Deng Bei, Kuai Yanbing, He Mengqin, Liu Xuan.

The successful holding of the academic forum has provided a full academic exchange platform for our students, and has also created a good atmosphere for promoting the development of various disciplines in the School of Science. It is a good opportunity for all graduate students to jointly explore the academic frontier, show academic style, improve academic ability and stimulate innovative thinking.

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