LIN Hengfu

发布时间:2024-07-25 发布者: 浏览次数:

LIN Hengfu

Associate Professor                             

Dept. of Applied Physics


Educational Background

2009--2015, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Theoretical physics, Doctor.

2005--2009, Southwest University, Physics, Bachelor.

Work Experience

2017--Present , Associate Professor, Faculty of Science, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, China.

2015--2017, Post doctor, Beijing Computational Science Research Center,, China.

Research Field

Main research field is detection technology, such as:

1. Ab initio methods based on density functional theory (DFT) to study the defect, topological electronic and magnetic properties of materials.
2. Graphene and other 2D materials,Materials for electronic and spintronic applications.
3. Applying numerical methods, for example the continue time quantum Monte Carlo, dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT/DCA),and DFT, to study various quantum many body system.
4. Quantum phases of ultra-cold fermions in optical lattices. Optical lattices present a highly controllable and clean system for studying a strongly correlated system, in which the relevant parameters can be adjusted independently. The extra trap makes the system more complex, allowing one to explore many new quantum phases. By a newly developed method called real-space cellular dynamical mean-field theory (R-CDMFT), these problems can be investigated numerically.

Academic Achievements

29. Heng-Fu Lin, Hui-Ying Liu, Min Wang, Shu-Shen Wang,Ting-Ping Hou, and Kai-Ming Wuab Janus Ga2SeTe/In2SSe heterostructures: tunable electronic, optical, and photocatalytic properties Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 24, 4425 (2022)

28. Fudong Li, Shushen Wang, Lingyu Gu, Xiu Chang, Hengfu Lin, and Kaiming Wu, One‑step dealloying of Ni‑Y‑Al metallic glass for fabrication of nanoporous hybrid toward efficient water splitting reaction, Ionics 2. 1 (2022)

27. Lingyu Gu , Shushen Wang,  Xidong Hui, Fudong Li, Hengfu Lin and Kaiming Wu, Degradation performance and mechanism toward methyl orange via nanoporous

copper powders fabricated by dealloying of ZrCuNiAl metallic glassy precursors Nanotechnology 33, 135713 (2022)

26. Dong Zhang, Tingping Hou, Kaiming Wu, Yu Wang, and Hengfu Lin Thermodynamic mechanism of the high magneticfield-induced morphology of ferrite Materials Science and Technology, 37, 11(2021)

25. Zhi qiang You, Tingping Hou, Hengfu Lin, and Kaiming WU Magnetism and magneto-magnetic properties of alloy carbide M23C6  Journal of Iron and Steel Research, 4, 322-329 (2021)

24. Yu WANG, Tingping HOU; Hengfu LIN; Xiaoping YANG; Kaiming WU, Magnetism and electronic structure of alloy carbide M7C3,  Journal of Iron and Steel Research, 3, 240-245 ( 2021)

23. X. Liang, T.P. Hou, D. Zhang, P. Zheng, H.F. Lin, Y. Li, K.M. Wu, Structural, electronic, magnetic and mechanical properties of Fe2SiC, Physica B, 618 413136 (2021)

22.  Zihua Li, Peng Zheng, Tingping Hou, Hengfu Lin, Yu Li, Dong Zhang, Jinhuang Zhen, Lin Cheng, and Kaiming Wua) First-principles calculations on the structural,electronic, magnetic, and elastic properties of (Fe, Cr)23C6J. Appl. Phys. 130, 235109 (2021)

21. Hu Yuhao ,Wei Ran ,Hou Tingping, Lin Hengfu ,Wang Honghong ,Wu Kaiming First-principles study of paramagnetic austenite phase based on SQS model Journal of Wuhan University of Science and Technology.44, 5 Oct.(2021)

20. Yu Wang , Tingping Hou, Zihua Li, Hengfu Lin, Xiaoping Yang, Guanghui Wu a,Dong Zhang a, Kaiming Wu Structure, magnetism, electronic properties and high magnetic-feld-induced stability of alloy carbide M7C3 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 538. 168263(2021)

19. Guanghui Wu, Tingping Hou, Zihua Li, Long Chen, Hengfu Lin, Kaiming WuEffect of high magnetic feld on the recovery of tempered martensite  Progress in Natural Science: Materials International 30, 134–137(2020)

18. Shushen Wang, Hanyu Li, Hengfu Lin and Kaiming Wu, Enhanced electro-catalytic performance of Pd-based hierarchical nanoporous structures fabricated by micropatterning and dealloying of Pd–Ni–P metallic glass, Nanotechnology 31,  155301(2020)

17 Xiong Yulei, Hou Tingping, Li Zihua, Lin Hengfu, Li Yu, Wu Kaiming Magnetism and magnetic-field-induced thermodynamic properties of alloy carbides(Fe,Mo)3C Journal of Wuhan University of Science and Technology ,42, 5(2019)

16 Liu Hui-Ying Wang Shu-Shen, Lin Heng-Fu, Group III monochalcogenide of single-layered haeckelites structure MX (M = Al, Ga, In; X = S, Se, Te), Acta Phys. Sin. 69, 14,146802(2020)

15. Heng-Fu Lin, Shu-Shen Wang, Hui-Ying Liu, Ting-Ping Hou, Kai-Ming Wu,Structural and electronic properties of monolayer group III-VII compounds:A first-principle study Physica E 114, 113605 (2019)
14. Heng-Fu Lin, Li-Min Liu and Jijun zhao. Electronic and magnetic properties of transition metal decorated monolayer GaS. Physica E 101, 131 (2018)
13. Xuan Zhang, Jiangshui Luo, Heng-Fu Lin, Pengyi Tang, Joan Ramon Morante, Jordi Arbiol, KaiWan, Bing-Wei Mao, Li-Min Liu, and Jan Fransaer. Tailor-made metalnitrogen-carbon bifunctional electrocatalysts for rechargeable Zn-air batteries via controllable MOF units. Energy Storage Materials, 17 46-61 (2019)
12. T.P. Hou, Z.H. Li, K.M. Wu, H.F. Lin, Y. Li, G.H. Zhang, W.M. Liu. Role of external magnetic fields in determining the thermodynamic properties of iron carbides in steel. Acta Materialia 167,71 (2019).
11. B.Q. Dong, T.P. Hou, K.M. Wu, Z.Q. You, Z.H. Li, G.H. Zhang, H.F. Lin, Lowtemperature nanostructured bainite transformation: The effect of magnetic field, Materials Letters, 240, 66-68 (2019).
10. Zihua Li, Tingping Hou, Guanghui Wu, Kaiming Wu and Hengfu Lin, Thermodynamic Analysis for the Magnetic-Field-Induced Precipitation Behaviours in Steels Metals, 9, 909(2019).
9. Heng-Fu Lin Li-Min Liu and Jijun zhao 2D lateral heterostructures by monolayer andbilayer phosphorene. Journal of Materials Chemistry C.5,2291 (2017)
8. Heng-Fu Lin LiMin Liu and Jijun zhao, Magnetism in the p-type Monolayer II-VI semiconductors SrS and SrSe. Scientific Reports. 7§45869 (2017)
7. Heng-Fu Lin, Yao-Hua Chen, Hai-Di Liu, Hong-Shuai Tao, and Wu-Ming Liu. Mott transition and antiferromagnetism of cold fermions in the decorated honeycomb lattice, Phys. Rev. A 90, 053627 (2014).
6. Heng-Fu Lin, Hai-Di Liu, Hong-Shuai Tao, and Wu-Ming Liu. Phase transitions of the ionic Hubbard model in honeycomb lattice, Scientific Reports. 5. 9810, (2015).
5. Heng-Fu Lin, Hong-Shuai Tao, Wen-Xiang Guo, and Wu-Ming Liu. Antiferromagnetismand Kondo screening on a honeycomb lattice, Chin. Phys. B. 24. 057101, (2015).
4. An Bao, Yao-Hua Chen, Heng-Fu Lin, Hai-Di Liu,Xiao-Zhong Zhang. Quantum phase transitions in two-dimensional strongly correlated fermion systems. Front. Phys. 10(5),106401 (2015).
3. Hai-Di Liu, Yao-Hua Chen, Heng-Fu Lin, Hong-Shuai Tao, and Wu-Ming Liu. Antiferromagnetic Metal and Mott Transition on Shastry-Sutherland Lattice, Scientific Reports 4, 4829 (2014).
2. Hong-Shuai Tao, Yao-Hua Chen, Heng-Fu Lin, Hai-Di Liu, and Wu-Ming Liu. Layer Anti-Ferromagnetism on Bilayer Honeycomb Lattice, Scientific Reports 4, 5367 (2014).
1. Hai-Di Liu, Yao-Hua Chen, Heng-Fu Lin, Hong-Shuai Tao, and Jian-Hua Wu. Interaction and spin-orbit effects on kagome lattice at 1/3 filling, Chin. Phys. B 23, 077101(2014)

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