Li Jing

发布时间:2024-07-25 发布者: 浏览次数:

Li Jing

Associate Professor                             

Dept. of Applied Physics


Educational Background

2002--2007, Wuhan University, Condensed Physics, Doctor.

1998--2002, Hubei University, Physics, Bachelor.

Work Experience

2011--Present , Associate professor, Dept. of Physics, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, China.

2007--2011, Lecturer, Dept. of Physics, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, China.

Research Field

Main research field is condensed physics, such as:

1: Acoustics.

2: Phononic crystals

Academic Achievements

1. Topological energy harvesting of surface acoustic waves in a phononic crystal slab with periodic stubbed surface. AIP Advances. 2023 , Volume 13

2. Enhanced resonance transmission of acoustic waves based on asymmetric excitation of Lamb waves in phononic crystals with wedges-like structures. Journal of Applied Physics. Volume 116 , Issue 7 . 2014. PP 073510

3. Tunable multimode filtering of solid acoustic waves in a three-component phononic crystal slab. Advanced Materials Research, 150-151, 1625.

4. 1D and 2D Phononic Crystal Sensors. Procedia Engineering Vol 5, Pages 436-439. 

5. Negative refraction imaging of solid acoustic waves by two-dimensional three-component phononic crystal. Physics. Letters. A. 372, 3861-3867.

6. Negative refraction and focusing of ultrasound in two-dimensional phononic crystals. Physics. Review. B. 77, 014301  

7. Phononic crystals for liquid sensor applications. Measurement. Science. Technology. 20, 124014 (12pp)

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