Hou Yanglai

发布时间:2024-07-25 发布者: 浏览次数:

Hou Yanglai

Associate Professor                             

Dept. of Applied Physics

E-MAIL: houyanglai@wust.edu.cn

Educational Background

2000--2003, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, Master of Materials Science

1992--1996, Shandong University, Bachelor of Physics

Work Experience

2007--Present, Lecturer, Dept. of Applied Physics, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, China.

Research Field

Condensed matter physics

Academic Achievements


1.Hubei Provincial Science and Technology support plan, Development of welding wire for submarine pipeline steel, 2016-2017, RMB 500,000, theoretical design.

2.Aerospace science, Industry and national defense projects, Equipment technical service, 2020-2022, RMB 1,240,000, project leader.

3.The Ministry of Economy and Information Technology will reveal the list of leaders, Linglong tire half parts storage intelligent construction, 2022-2025, RMB 3,600,000, project leader.

Journal papers:

1.Yunjie Li, Yanglai Hou*, Guojun Ma, Yanheng Luo, Ju Xu, Effect of CaF2 on crystallization behavior and properties of glass-ceramics from reduced tailings of copper slag [J], Journal of Wuhan University of Science and Technology, 2024.

2.Dingli Zheng, Yanglai Hou*, Guojun Ma, Xiang Zhang, Mengke Liu, Ju Xu. (2023).Role of P2O5 in the viscous behavior and structure of yellow phosphorus slag [J], Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2023, 602: 122074.

3.Yanglai Hou*, Jiajie Yu, Zhi Li, Yuanhao Hai., Ju Xu, Dingli Zheng. Preparation of Black Ceramic Tiles with Chromium Slag and Copper Smelting Waste Slag. Metals, 2023 13(3), 537.

4.Xu, J., Liu, M., Ma, G., Zheng, D., Zhang, X., & Hou, Y. Valuable recovery technology and resource utilization of chromium-containing metallurgical dust and slag: a review. Metals, 2023, 13(10), 1768.

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