Ji Lingling

发布时间:2024-07-25 发布者: 浏览次数:

Ji Lingling

Associate Professor                             

Dept. of Applied physics

E-MAIL: jilingling@wust.edu.cn

Educational Background

2005--2008, Huazhong University of Since and Technology, Physical electronics, Doctor.

2001--2004, Institute of Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences, Optical Physics, Master.

1995--1999, Wuhan University, Physics, Bachelor.

Work Experience

2009--Present, Associate professor, Dept. applied physics, Wuhan University of Since and Technology, China.

Research Field

Main research field is nonlinear optics

Academic Achievements

1. Non linear wavelength dependence of electronlocalization in strong-field dissociation of D2 +, Acta Phys. Sin. Vol. 63, No. 18 180301

2. Control of recollision wave packets for asymmetric molecular imaging using an 800 nm δ 400 nm multicycle bichromatic laser field, Optics Communications315193–198

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