JIAO Yuanyuan

发布时间:2024-07-25 发布者: 浏览次数:

JIAO Yuanyuan


Dept. of Applied Physics

E-MAIL: jiaoyuanyuan@wust.edu.cn

Educational Background

2018--2021, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, Postdoctor.

2014--2018, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Doctor.

2011—2014, Taiyuan University of Technology, Master

2007—2011, Taiyuan University of Technology, Bachelor.

Research Field

Main research field is High pressure synthesis and regulation of strongly correlated system materials, such as:

1: High-Pressure synthesis and investigations of the arsenopyrite-type CrSb2.

2: Research on the Metal-Insulator Transition of cubic pyrochlore Tl2Ru2O7.

Academic Achievements

1. Y. Y. Jiao1, * etc. “Critical behavior and effect of Sr substitution in double perovskite Ca2CrSbO6”; Chinese Physics B, 30(3):454-460 (2021).

2. Y. Y. Jiao1, J.-G. Cheng* etc. “Coupled magnetic and structural phase transitions in the antiferromagnetic polar metal Pb2CoOsO6 under pressure”; Physical Review B 102, 144418 (2020).

3. Y. Y. Jiao1, J.-G. Cheng* etc. “High-pressure phase of CrSb2: A new quasi-one-dimensional itinerant magnet with competing interactions”Physical Review Materials 3, 074404 (2019).

4. Y. Y. Jiao1, J.-G. Cheng* etc. “Effect of chemical and hydrostatic pressure on the cubic pyrochlore Cd2Ru2O7”; Physical Review B 98, 075118 (2018).

5. Y.Y. Jiao1, J-G Cheng* etc. High-pressure synthesis and structural, transport, and magnetic properties of rutile-type Cr2ReO6 and CrReO4. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 97, 014426 (2018).

6. JIAO Yuanyuan1,Chengjinguang*. Effect of Pb doping on metallic state of cubic pyrochlore Cd2Ru2O7. Acta Phys. Sin. Vol. 67, No. 12 (2018) 127402.

7. J. P. Sun1, Y. Y. Jiao1, J-G Cheng*, etc. Effect of hydrostatic pressure on the superconducting properties of quasi-one-dimensional superconductor K2Cr3As3. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 29 (2017) 455603 (7pp).

8. Y. Q. Cai1, Y. Y. Jiao1, J-G Cheng*, etc. Giant reversible magnetocaloric effect in the pyrochlore Er2Mn2O7 due to a cooperative two-sublattice ferromagnetic order. PHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS 1, 064408 (2017).

9. Y. Q. Cai, Q. Cui, X. Li, Z. L. Dun, J. Ma, C. dela Cruz, Y. Y. Jiao, J-G Cheng*, etc. High-pressure synthesis and characterizations of the effective S-1/2 XY pyrochlores R2Pt2O7 (R = Er, Yb). PHYSICAL REVIEW B 93, 014443 (2016).

10. Q. Cui, J.-G. Cheng*, W. Fan, A.E. Taylor, S. Calder, M.A. McGuire, J.-Q. Yan, D. Meyers, X. Li, Y.Q. Cai, Y.Y. Jiao, etc. Jeff =1/2 Slater insulator in perovskites SrIr1-xSnxO3. Physics Review Letters.

11. P. Shahi, J. P. Sun, S. H. Wang, Y.Y. Jiao, J-G Cheng*, etc. High-Tc superconductivity up to 55K under high pressure in a heavily electron doped Li0.36(NH3 )yFe2Se2 single crystal (Physics Review B 97, 020508(R) (2018)).

12. W.H Fan1, Y.Y. Jiao1, S-P Chen*, etc. The Effect of Electric Current on the Thermoelectric Performance of Mg2Si0.8Sn0.2. Rare Met. (2014) 33(2):215–218.

13. Jiao Yuanyuan1, Meng Qingsen* etc. Preparation of Mg2Sn Based Thermoelectric Materials by a Tube Solid Reaction Method and Their Performance. RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING Vol.44, No.2. February 2015.

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